ABILI Clip's 6 Strengths


Interactive communication between headquarters and stores via video
Two-way communication

All on-site staff, including part-time workers, can be given personal IDs. Messages, know-how, and operational manuals from headquarters and management can be transmitted in Clip format. Interactive communication such as implementation reports and reviews from the workplace, contribute to improved organizational mobility and execution. 
Two-way communication between headquarters and stores via video
Digital "SECI Model" to transform tacit knowledge into formal knowledge

The Digital SECI Model
Transform tacit knowledge into formal knowledge

We have established an autonomous learning system digitally through the "Digital SECI Model," which is based on the SECI Model of Ikujiro Nonaka, Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University, an authority in the field of knowledge management. The digital technology is used to speed up the cycle of converting tacit knowledge held by each store and individual into formal knowledge through the use of videos.

Adapting to Internal Situations
Proposing the most optimal
improvement steps possible

Based on improvement know-how from working with various companies, we propose features and plans tailored to the situation at each company or store. We provide support for companies in all phases of their business by accompanying them through the steps of on-site improvement using video.
In-house team of video specialists provide extensive support for content production

In-house video production team
Extensive content production support

We have an in-house team of video production specialists who provide support not only for the system, but also for content production and in-house production after implementation. When you use our system, you also have access to our original content, including basic operations for each industry.

Expertise in multi-store business
Professional structure

Customer Success members, who have experience in the restaurant, retail, and other industries, provide support with implementation and utilization. We don't merely introduce the system, but provide comprehensive support aimed at generating results. Our professionals, who have successfully led management and operational reform for multi-store businesses, provide support from the perspective of overall optimization, not individual optimization.

Achieving "Profitable DX"
Management Support Consulting

We have launched "ABILI Clip" as an IT service that focuses more on strategy execution, following our initial support business for corporate transformation and growth. Based on the know-how and frameworks we have developed through solving numerous issues in the service industry, we are able to visualize bottlenecks and provide consulting services that accompany clients from design to execution to ensure reliable and sustainable growth.

Effects of introducing ABILI Clip

Sales increased by 15% compared to last year.

Sales compared to last year
15% increase

Sales of standard products: 161% compared to last year

Sales of regular products
161% compared to last year

30% increase in sales and gross profit for the middle class 10% increase in sales and gross profit for the lower class

30% increase in sales and gross profit for the middle tier
10% increase in sales and gross profit for the bottom tier

Doubled the number of stores under the jurisdiction of each SV

Each supervisor
can handle twice as many stores

Annual recruiting cost is reduced to 1/3

Annual Recruitment Fee
1/3 of the annual recruiting cost

34% improvement in turnover rate after 1 year

Turnover rate after 1 year
34% improvement

Continually improving Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction
continually increasing

Training time and man-hours for new employees are reduced to 1/4.

Training time for new employees
and man-hours to 1/4

 Reduced training time by 30% after switching to being remote

By making it remote
30% reduction in training time

We offer proposals and support tailored to your needs

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