The following is a summary of feedback from users of ABILI Clip
gathered on ITreview, an IT product review platform. 

If you would like to know more details, please feel free to contact us.

※Review was done before product name change

Good points about ABILI Clip

Issues solved and benefits gained from introduction of the system

Recommendations for those considering using ClipLine

ABILI Clip is used for a variety of applications and purposes.

We can provide a wide range of applications and purposes to solve structural issues in multi-store, multi-location businesses 
and to achieve on-site and organizational reforms.

Please contact us if your issues fall under any of the following.

Quality of OJT Training

Reduction of the load for middle management

Pervasion of corporate philosophy

Building the foundation for self-directed learning

Remote training

Raising the level of initial training

Standardization of operations

Creating manual videos

Improving productivity on-site

Case Studies

C-United Co., Ltd.

The company decided to introduce ClipLine to the all branches soon after realizing the positive effects. Intensive support during the introduction phase was a major deciding factor.

Case Study_Krispy Kreme Donuts Japan Co., Ltd.
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Japan Co.,Ltd.
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Japan Co.,Ltd.

ABILI helped to establish the entire standardization across the company.

OZEKI Co.,Ltd.

Defining and sharing the atmosphere of "Ozeki-style" with Clips.


In a few years, ABILI Clip will become part of the internal infrastructure.

Choushimaru Co.,Ltd.

Building the instant improvement mechanism and "praise culture" achieved through ABILI Clip x ABILI Voice


ABILI Clip solves business issues that are becoming more complex due to the diversification of commercial products.

We offer proposals and support tailored to your needs

Click here
for more information
Contact us for consultation, quotes, and services
If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact us
ClipLine is certified
as a licensed company through PrivacyMark.